Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lazy Sundays

Hope everyone had a great Sunday! I'm blogging a little later today, I'm all thrown off from the time change. I'm ready for bed and it's barely 8:30. 

In case you didn't notice, I gave my blog a little mini girly makeover! I seriously suck at graphic design stuff so I am planning to get some professional assistance for that in the future, I just felt like a little sprucing up!
What do you think?

Other than my blog makeover not much going on today, it was very, very, very rainy outside, I was feeling quite lazy so there was a little bit of this going on:

Yup, that's Sweet Valley High except not High because they're 30 now. But seriously, so juicy! 

I didn't get up to much else today, spend time with the hubby and then we headed over to my Grandparents house for dinner. My Grandma's computer was acting up so Leigh fixed it all up for her. She hadn't been on Facebook in months because of it so she needed to catch up. She hadn't even seen this gorgeous pic of her and my Grandpa from my sis's wedding: 

Seriously love it!

That's all for today, sorry I'm super boring tonight. Going to curl up and read a bit more. What else is new?


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