Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bump Love {26 Weeks}

Baby is the Size of a Head of Lettuce!

Let's not discuss my random outfit or the fact that my jacket pretty much hides my bump. 

Due Date: October 26

Gender: Baby girl!

Maternity Clothes: Maxi dresses and workout tights. And Leigh's sweatpants when I get home. I think of this whenever I put them on.

Best Moment This Week:Two of my besties got to feel the baby kick this week while we were watching a movie. They also got a shocking glimpse of my bare belly while I was getting s'mores crumbs out from under my shirt, their expressions were priceless haha!

Miss Anything? Wine.

Sleep: Getting a bit harder to get comfortable, especially with the back pain I've been having. I was so busy this week I didn't have time for any naps, which made me way more tired than normal.

Movement: She moves non stop! Most of the movement I feel on my right side which makes me think her bum is on my left and arms and legs are on the right.

Cravings: Had a huge guacamole craving after having a long, tiring, stressful day. Went to the grocery store and they had like 400 unripe avacodos and 2 rotten ones. Cried a little on the inside. Thankfully one of my girls brought me some for our movie night, so I finally got my guacamole.

Aversions: Had a bit of a ground beef moment this week. But then I had tacos and got over it.

Symptoms: Back pain, heartburn, fatigue. I also had a midwife appointment this and apparently my placenta is currently low-lying. Most of the time it moves out of the way closer to the end of pregnancy but if it doesn't a c-section would be on the table. I've decided not to stress about this, whatever happens, happens!

Workouts: Still a little bit of strength training maybe a bit more walking because we're dog sitting my in-laws dog and taking them lots of places.

Baby Items Purchased: Nothing new this week, although I did find this amazing way to do a baby registry. It's called Baby List and you can add things from any store. If you want to buy something from the list, you just hit reserve and you can buy it whenever you want (ie wherever it's the cheapest)which is awesome. I think baby registries are super handy but the stores you can register at usually overprice everything so I'm glad someone finally came up with this!

Mood: A bit tired this week!

Loving: Just relaxing at home with Leigh this week. I've been making dinner, then we take the dogs out and just cuddle up on the couch with movies/shows. 

Looking Forward To:I just booked an ultrasound for 32 weeks at my midwife's request. It's weird because it's not that far away from now and not that far away from my due date which makes me feel like it's going to be here before I know it!

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