Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Life Lately: Mama Edition

kicking off the weekend with some starbucks, obviously

I know I have been a very occasional blogger lately, but the truth is my mind is a lot more like twitter than a blog these days. Short random thoughts that are easily distracted by something else. Nothing worthy of an entire blog post in itself. I am a little short on energy this week because Arianna has suddenly stopped going to bed at her normal time of about 8pm, she's moved into 10pm. None of my normal tricks work for getting her to sleep so we've just been kinda hanging out and relaxing until she starts to get sleepy finally.

Despite the later bedtime, we had a great Family Day weekend. On Saturday, Arianna and I took a trip to the new Chipotle at Metrotown. Never lets me down! Sunday and Monday were spent going for drives, coffee dates, a nice lunch and some couch shopping.

I got a cupholder! Pretty exciting stuff! :-P

I'm dying to get a big comfy sectional, I want our place to be super comfy and cozy and our little three seater couch is not big enough for our little family, nevermind any company we want to have over! In my opnion, the best way to relax is to be able to sit down and put your feet up!

This is the comfiest thing I've ever sat on. 

Can't believe I have to wait for new episodes like a normal person now 
Leigh and I somehow worked our way through 5 seasons of Pretty Little Liars in a month and I am so sad. Is it just me or does winter days feel incomplete without binge watching something? We had such a nice little routine: Give the baby a bath, feed, snuggle, she was into bed and we would watch a few episodes before we went to bed ourselves. Now she won't sleep and I have nothing to watch lol. I'm trying to find something equally addicting but I just can't get into anything. Maybe I should be spending my evenings packing and organizing because we move in a little over a month!!

We're so excited to finally get into our little condo and make it home! I went through a random craigslist/bidding wars spree recently and picked up patio furniture (90 bucks for a set), a dining room set (70 for the set) and nightstands (135 for the set) all of which I am adding my own little twist to. Yet more projects I should probably get a jump start on.

I'm also so excited to FINALLY do Arianna's room. I have most of her furniture lined up but need to do actual decorating. I'm not going to rush it though, I want to enjoy the whole project. One thing I am not looking forward to is her actually sleeping in her own room. I've kind of enjoyed these sleepy last few months of being able to see her from my bed and occasionally bringing her into bed to snuggle with me for a bit before we get up for the day. The thought of her sleeping in another room was making me feel super anxious, so in order to strengthen myself, I moved her bed right across my room. So far we've both actually slept a little better. Every little noise she makes wakes me up, even if it doesn't wake her up! Our apartment is small enough that I'll still be able to hear her but I'll be using the video monitor anyways, I'm sure.

I think this was the most random post ever, but such is life at the moment!

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